Bees bring a lot of benefits and are important for the ecosystem, so it’s better not to destroy them, but first try to move the hive to another place. It’s risky, but if you follow the security measures, it’s possible.
Sometimes the situation is hopeless: a big bee is dangerous for the residents of the house, especially for children. Then the insects need to be evicted as quickly and efficiently as possible.
How to prepare

There are wild bees — they come from the forest, as well as domestic bees that have flown in from the apiary. It is better to deal with wild bees in early spring: at this time there are fewer insects in the hive, and the risk that they will bite is lower. It is recommended to expel domestic bees in the UK at the end of winter, when insects are maximally weakened due to the cold.
The bees’ nests are approached late in the evening or early in the morning.
Methods of struggle

- It is poured out of the container or sprayed with a spray gun. The method is unsafe: gasoline is toxic and flammable;
- Mounting foam. If you know exactly where bees penetrate to the hive in the house, you can seal the cracks with mounting foam. Thus, bees are deprived of the road to the nest;
- Smoking with smoke. Professional beekeepers fumigate hives with smoke to reduce the activity of bees. When bees sense smoke, they tighten their stings and go into the hive.
It is not recommended to use chemicals; they should be left for the most extreme case.