How To Level A Sloping Garden?


Rarely anyone is lucky in the UK to become the owner of an absolutely flat piece of land. It’s easy enough to plan and implement any design idea, build a house, plant a garden, make beds, flower beds, lawns on a flat surface. However, nature does not spoil us with such places. Therefore, gardeners often face the question: how to flatten a plot with a slope?

Works related to the leveling of the site

Works related to the leveling of the site
Image by Pantea Adrian from Pixabay
  1. Before leveling your sloped backyard, you should carefully evaluate the quality and condition of the land. Then, in the process of work, you will be able to correct some of its shortcomings, for example, to make heavy soil lighter, to increase the connectivity of sandy soil. Thus, peat soil will serve as a good fertilizer and will help to increase the air permeability and water permeability of the earth. Peat soil with sand will improve its drainage properties.
  2. It is also worth taking care of drainage. It can be either a simple drainage consisting of various water-transmitting layers (broken bricks, fine gravel, coarse-grained sand, and others), or a complex system with the use of drainage plastic pipes. A watering system can also be arranged in parallel with drainage.
  3. Not every plot has a fertile soil layer large enough. The so-called subsurface layer is located under it, which is very poor in its composition and is not suitable for growing plants, so it should not be placed on the surface.
  4. When leveling the subsurface layer, a planning soil is used, and then a previously removed turf soil must be placed on top. Still at first, the turf layer will give an active growth of weeds, and its thickness is small. In any case, you should get rich black soil. By mixing it with turf soil, you can increase the volume of the fertile layer, or even better: to replace it completely. A complete replacement will be more expensive, but when you plant trees, bushes and other the plants, the result will please you.
difficult to flatten a plot with a slope
Image by dandelion_tea from Pixabay

It is very difficult to flatten a plot with a slope, but it is possible to cope with this even on your own if you wish. Moreover, you can show imagination and use the irregularities of the plot to design a chalet-style design and enjoy the result. The choice is yours.

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