Wild mammals such as badgers create problems for growing vegetable gardens. This nocturnal mammal is protected in the UK, making it an offense to tamper with badgers or their communities under the revised Badger Protection Act (1992).

Badger control in gardens can be challenging. Many recommend placing metal fences deep to prevent the animal from digging underneath. Electric fencing is also another option, but it can be costly and harm pets and other wildlife.
Safety covers
Troublesome badgers ending up in your kitchen compost bin or trash can are easily controlled by bungee cord safety covers. If you are feeding birds or other animals, especially nuts or fruit, pause this activity to reduce the attraction of badgers.
Rags soaked in kerosene

Keeping badgers out of a vegetable garden or orchard can be difficult. The animal is omnivorous and will feed not only on insects and larvae, but also on many types of vegetation and fruits. Traditional methods of deterring the badger have included rags soaked in kerosene or other fuels, but these can contaminate the soil and are now banned in many regions.
Wire mesh
To prevent digging on lawns where they normally feed, some wire mesh should be applied in the spring to the area when digging is more active. Non-toxic methods, such as noise suppressants and sound devices, have limited control as animals are used to the irritating sensations. Oil and citronella can deter animals to some extent, but they need to be applied frequently as the smell diminishes with time and rain.